WaterTribeTM Everglades Challenge (EC)
Tampa Bay To Key Largo In Sea Kayaks, Canoes and Small Boats
The next Everglades Challenge is
Saturday, March 1, 2025. There is registration and equipment inspection on Friday, February 28, 2025, prior to starting.
Cost is $495.00
for the captain and $495.00 for
crew members if any.
Billing starts
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
The Registration and Payment Deadline is
Thursday, January 23, 2025 at noon.
Due to the exteme commitment for this race late registration and/or late payments will not be allowed. We recommend that you commit to this race early so you have plenty of time for planning, training, and preparation. Pay early in the payment cycle. You can get a full refund up
to the Payment Deadline. No refunds after that
date and time.
All WaterTribe events are dangerous events as defined by Florida law and common
sense. You are responsible for your own safety. You must read and
understand the warning before you register for this event.
The Everglades Challenge is an unsupported, expedition style adventure race for
kayaks, canoes, and small boats. The distance is roughly 300 nautical miles depending
on your course selection. There is a time limit of 8 days or less. Your safety and
well being are completely up to you.
Unsupported means that there are no safety boats or support crews to help you during
the race. You are not allowed to have a support crew follow you or meet you during
the race. It is OK to have family or friends meet you at the official checkpoints,
but they cannot provide anything other than emotional support. See the official
WaterTribe rules for more details.
Expedition style means that you must carry the same type of equipment and supplies
that you would carry on a major expedition lasting 4 weeks or more. Camping equipment,
food, water, safety, communication, etc. is required. See the Rules and Warning
link at the top of this page for the official required equipment list for more details.
Although this is a race, many participants are more interesting in cruising and
adventure. Whether you are a cruiser or racer is up to you. Just getting to the
starting line is a major accomplishment and only about 40% of starters are able
to finish. You should be an expert kayaker and/or sailor before
you consider this challenge.
SPECIAL NOTE 1: You can earn an alligator
tooth award by completing the entire Everglades Wilderness Waterway between Chokoloskee
and Flamingo. There are specific rules for earning that tooth:
- You must obey all Everglades National Park rules.
- SPOT/inReach must be correctly used at all times.
- You must complete the entire WW as shown on their official maps. You can exit at
Broad River and return via Broad Creek. Using the Harney River from the outside
is not allowed.
- The Nightmare is an option. Some people say that taking the Nightmare is easier
than negotiating Broad Creek from the entrance. The choice is yours.
- Once you have reached Whitewater Bay you may follow the marked route or take the
Joe River or any other route to cross the bay and enter Tarpon Creek and the Buttonwood
- In some years challengers have taken the Hells Bay Canoe Trail to Tarpon Creek.
Since this is marked on the official map, it is also OK.
- You must portage your boat a short distance between the fresh water side and the
salt water side at Flamingo. You cannot receive assistance from the Race Manager,
CP Captain, or bystanders. Challengers participating in the event may assist other
challengers (see the note below).
SPECIAL NOTE 2: In some previous years
we have provided a boat cart or other assistance for the short portage at Flamingo.
As of EC2011 and beyond a boat cart will not be provided and all challengers crossing
from the fresh water side to the salt water side must do this short portage without
outside assistance. No cart will be provided. You must carry your own if you plan
to use one. If bystanders want to help they cannot. However, other WaterTribers
who are in the same event can help - see the ad hoc team rule.
The Everglades Challenge follows the SW Florida coast line from Fort Desoto in Tampa
Bay, Florida to Key Largo. You will enter Everglades National Park near Everglades
City and you will be within their boundries until you get near Key Largo.
You must follow all park rules and regulations.
Note that the WaterTribe Marathon runs concurrently with the Everglades Challenge.
The schedule mentions both races.
Note that the WaterTribe Ultra Marathon runs concurrently with the Everglades Challenge. The
following schedule mentions both races.
Gear Inspection -
Friday, February 28, 2025
Is Mandatory .
Race -
Saturday, March 1, 2025 to
Sunday, March 9, 2025.
Tampa Bay
Fort Desoto
East Beach
Shelter 14
Registration, Gear & Boat Inspection:
Captains Meeting 15:00
Off the beach and
out of the park by 17:30 |
Attendance Is Mandatory
Access to Beach has changed:
Classes 1, 2, and 3 must be transported to the beach by hand or by using a beach cart.
Classes 4, 5, and 6 must be transported to the beach by hand or by using a beach cart WHEN POSSIBLE.
If not possible,
they can access the beach via water (special rules apply).
There are some special rules defined in the upcoming PDF.
Tampa Bay
Fort Desoto
East Beach
in front of Shelter 14
Or Boat Ramp
Park Access 07:00
Roll Call 08:00
Launch 08:30 |
Start for Everglades Challenge, Ultra Marathon and Ultimate Florida Challenge
Beach Starters and Boat Ramp starters must attend roll call.
Cape Haze Marina
Englewood, FL
Ultra Marathon
Award Deadline: Noon
Challenger Deadline: Noon
WaterTribe Ultra Marathon Finish Line. In the UM you should finish by noon.
CP1 for Everglades Challengers and Ultimate Florida Challenge.
As of EC2008 both UM and EC particiapants must get to CP1 by noon Sunday. |
Outdoor Resorts
Chokoloskee, FL
Wednesday 10:00
EC and UF Challengers Only
Yacht Basin
Flamingo, FL
Friday 10:00
EC and UF Challengers Only
Pelican Cottages
Key Largo, FL
Award Ceremony
Saturday 10:30
Award Lunch
Saturday ~ 11:30
Sunday 07:00
Sunday 10:00
WaterTribe Everglades Challenge Finish Line
Stage 1 for the Ultimate Florida
Start - Fort De Soto Park, Tampa Bay, Florida
There are three events starting at the same time in Fort De Soto Park located on Mullet Key in Tampa Bay, Florida. These events are the Everglades Challenge, the Ultra Marathon, and the Ultimate Florida Challenge. Pavilions
13, 14, and 15 are reserved
for all day Friday. Pavilion 14 will be our main registration and meeting place. We reserve the other two pavilians so that we have full access to the parking lot. Boats may assemble on East Beach facing south adjacent to shelters.
All boats should be left on the beach above the high water mark Friday night.
A guard will be posted.
The Pavilion 14 is at East Beach on the eastern leg of Mullet Key facing south.
There is a very nice beach perfect for launching boats.
This year and going forward, there is no road access to the beach. You must transport your kayak, canoe, or small sailboat by hand from the parking lot to the beach. If you cannot do that, you can sail around and pull your boat up onto the beach, but there are special rules regarding this. These rules will be published soon.
New Launch Procedure
Here's the BLUF:
- No road access to the beach. This applies to all Pinellas County Parks. They are protecting beach grasses and beach plants. WaterTribe fully supports this endeavor.
- All boats in Classes 1, 2, and 3 must be transported from the parking lot to the beach by hand. Boats may be carried or pulled by hand on a portage cart. Balloon tires are
strongly recommended for this job. All other boats in Classes 4, 5, and 6 can use this method when possible.
- Boats in Classes 4, 5, and 6 can access the beach via water if necessary. There are some special rules defined in the upcoming PDF.
Note that this is a work in process and some details could change over the next couple of weeks. The above information will be updated as necessary and a PDF with full details will be published when everything if finalized.
Camping on Mullet Key at Fort De Soto
There is a very nice campground on Mullet Key.
Sites 1-85 are designed for tent, van, and pop-up campers.
Sites 86-233 are designed and equipped to accommodate all camping units
All sites have water, electrical hookup ( 30 amps), picnic table, and a charcoal
Dump stations, restrooms, showers, and laundry are available
Many sites are waterfront with room for your kayak or boat in your camp site.
Reservation is VERY limited. Reserve your site as early as possible.
Google Fort De Soto park for reservation information.
EC CP1 and UM Finish - Cape Haze Marina, Englewood, Florida
Cape Haze Marina is the first checkpoint for the Everglades Challenge and the finish
for the Ultra Marathon.
Roughly 60 miles along the coast from Tampa Bay you will come to Stump Pass which
feeds into the Intracoastal Waterway. The Cape Haze Marina checkpoint is located
a couple miles south of Stump Pass on your port side.
Finding Cape Haze Marina
Near Intracoastal Waterway Markers Red "8" and Green "9" there are private channel
markers into Cape Haze Marina on your port side as you are heading south. After
entering the marina, turn right just after the first set of docks. Turn left at
the sea wall and proceed to the floating dock next to the rock sea wall. Sailboats
can pick any open dock opposite the rock sea wall to tie up.
- Cape Haze Entrance
Lat 26.875422°
Lon -82.314172°
- Cape Haze Dock
Lat 26.874206°
Lon -82.312763°
- CP1Beach001 - See Special Note Below
Lat 26.87348°
Lon 82.31439°
- CP1Beach002 - Trail Head to CP1 - See Special Note Below
Lat 26.87363°
Lon 82.31445°
SPECIAL NOTE - The beach landing is for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Hobie
AIs, and Hobie TIs only. All other boats must go into the marina docks. Class 3
boats and Hobies MUST retract or take off their amas and akas. Also, if you will
be at CP1 longer than 20 minutes, you must move your boat up
to the grassy area at CP1. These rules are intentional filters. If your class 4,
5, or 6 boat is too large or too difficult to get into the marina, then it is
not a suitable Everglades Challenge boat. Violation of this rule results in a DQ.
The beach landing is located near marker Red 8. As you are heading south, turn left
just after passing Red 8 and you can't miss the small beach landing. The landing
and trail to CP1 is near an apartment building so BE QUIET when you land
or launch.
Accommodations at Cape Haze Marina
There are two docks shown near the bottom left quadrant of the picture. The one
farthest to the left in this aerial shot (partially obstructed by a tree in this
shot) is a floating dock that is the official checkpoint landing. Please do not
use the dock next to it.
Larger boats can tie up at any open dock opposite the grassy area and rock sea wall.
There is no official time limit but try to make your stay at the dock as short as
There is plenty of room to pitch tents as needed in the grassy area next to the
rock sea wall on the left side of the picture. We will have a boat cart for kayaks
to help move your boat up to the tent area.
Resupply is within a couple of miles and some shuttles will be available from time
to time. Fresh water is available at the marina but you might want to filter for
taste. We might have some bottled water for sale at the same price we pay for it.
There is a shower, rest rooms and more.
One of the toughest filters in the whole course is the hot tub and pool. It is recommended
that you do not use these features because you may decide not to leave.
CP2 - Chokoloskee, Everglades National Park, Florida
Roughly 70 miles along the coast from Cayo Costa you will come to Indian Key Pass.
The mangrove channel that leads to the fabled Everglades City. You are at that crucible
that will weed out the Men from the boys; the Women from the girls; and Real Boats
from mere puddle hoppers.
Tide Will be a Factor
There are strong tidal currents through these mangrove channels that can make grown
men cry. A huge amount of water flows through these channels so current can be 2
to 3 knots or so.
Another interesting phenomenon is that as the water level drops or rises various
sand/mud/oyster bars are exposed or covered. Flow changes and currents become counter
Tide tables and local knowledge of how to interpret them will be published long
before the race. Don't get too fixated on the tide problem right now. If the tide
is too strong, you have two basic choices: wait or paddle harder.
I plan to pitch my hammock on Indian Key, or thereabouts, and nap until the right
It Is Doable
Having warned you of the terror, I must remind you that this is a doable entrance
that is used by kayaks, canoes, sail boats, and motor boats all day long almost
every day. Some of our discussion forums have gotten carried away with the difficulty
of this checkpoint -- thus the opening paragraph.
If you use Indian Key Pass to enter Everglades City and then use Chokoloskee Pass
to exit Everglades City, you will minimize tide issues and the need for local knowledge.
These two channels a wide enough and well marked so as to be considered "normal"
navigation and difficulty.
Some plan to take a detour and visit Watson's Place instead of take Chokoloskee
Pass. This too should not present any difficulty for classes 1 and 2, but classes
3 and 4 may want to think real hard about trying this route.
Big Boats Are Everywhere
Big boats are cruising these channels so watch out. Some of them run at night with
no lights. If you must travel these channels at night, keep lots of lights going
on your boat and keep a strong spot light handy.
Access for Family and Friends
This is a regular city on the west coast of Florida with highway access. There is
an article in the Sept/Nov 2000 issue of Paddler Magazine about Everglades City.
The resort of choice in this area is Outdoor Resorts of America, Inc. located
at the entrance to Chokoloskee Island. They have RV campsites and cabins along with
full services. Their public restroom at the docks was the cleanest I've seen at
a public spot in a long time. Their phone number is 1-941-695-2881.
If You Drop Out
If you drop out at Everglades City, be sure to let the check in crew know. They
will help you arrange for transportation back to Tampa Bay if you need it. You may
have to stay at Everglades City a day or two (hopefully not more) for the transport
to show up.
Fresh Water
Fresh water is available at Everglades City as well as restaurants, convenience
stores, and kayak outfitters. Your best bet is the hose at the canoe ramp at Park
HQ or the hose at the docks of Outdoor Resorts or the convenience stores at both
locations. Beware however that availability of bottled water at these two convenience
stores is not guaranteed. There are other stores in the area within about a 1 mile
radius at both locations.
The hoses will be easily accessible, but I recommend that you filter all water from
hoses -- if only for taste.
Everglades Park
This is the North Headquarters of Everglades Park. If you are taking the inside
route, you must register with the park rangers. If you are taking the outside route,
you may have to register with the park rangers. It depends on whether or not you
intend to camp on the way to Flamingo.
Everglades National Park
When you reach Everglades City, you are about to enter the Everglades National Park.
You must follow all park rules and regulations. Depending on your chosen course
(inside or outside) and whether you will have to camp on the way to Flamingo will
determine if you must obtain a Wilderness Permit . This is entirely up to
you and your decisions about your best course.
You can get more information directly from the park at the following:
You will have to get your permit when you arrive at the Everglades City/Chokoloskee
checkpoint. They are open normal business hours so you may decide to check in first
and then go to the ranger station or the other way around. It depends on what time
you arrive.
Many things have changed at Everglades National Park. You must get your permit online
before you enter the park. If you haven't done this already, do it now. Camping permits
must also be obtained online.
In most cases, the outside route will be faster, but your open water skills must
be up to the challenge. This is during the busy season so have two or three alternate
sites in mind for your camping permit.
If you don't get a camping permit, you are not supposed to camp. However, there
is no rule that I know of that prevents you from stopping for a snack or a break.
DO NOT camp without a permit.
Our race IS NOT approved or sanctioned by the park. They couldn't care less that
you are in a race. In fact, they may get alarmed if you bring it up. We aren't doing
anything illegal by paddling or sailing through as fast as we can, but DO NOT expect
any favors from the park. The best course of action is DO NOT mention the race.
Here is my plan. I am going to purchase a Wilderness Permit and pick a campsite
roughly half way to Flamingo. If I can't get one half way, my backup is going to
be any campsite on Cape Sable. Then along the way I will take a break when I need
it. A hammock in the mangroves for a few hours won't bother anybody. No worries.
Remember to practice the Leave No Trace principles during this race and especially
while in the park. The Everglades National Park is a unique treasure that we must
help preserve.
This is the "canoe ramp" at the Everglades City Park Headquarters. Concrete with
some wood slats. Nice huh?
25° 50.72' N
081° 23.23' W
You must come here if you will be camping along the way to Flamingo.
NOTE: This is not the checkpoint. The checkpoint is at Chokoloskee. See below.
If you need significant food or services, you might consider stopping here
and walking into Everglades city. If you just need convenience store items, please
buy from the resort at the actual checkpoint in Chokoloskee.
Indian Key Pass is a well marked channel. Just before you get to the Barron River
make a hard right turn and you can't miss the Park marina. They have a SMALL convenience
store and not much else. About 1 mile into town or so you will find a grocery store.
Not a big super market but some supplies available. This is your best bet if you
need anything serious.
There is a hose at the canoe ramp for fresh water. I recommend a filter if you are
particular about taste.
Roughly 3 miles along the causeway you will come to Chokoloskee Island. You can't
miss it on the chart. This is your official race checkpoint.
Physical Check In Station
The Chokoloskee check point is at the Outdoor Resorts of America located
at the entrance to Chokoloskee Island. You will land on the beach on the west side
of the causeway. The resort is located on the other side of the road a stones throw
from the beach. Check in with the person running the office. Get your passport signed
and make sure your time of arrival is noted on the checkpoint log.
Remember to click on each photo for a larger view.
The view of the Chokoloskee check point from the water.
Business hours are 6AM to 6PM.
IMPORTANT: WASH the mud off the first thing you do so you don't mess up the
resort. Do this at the far left end of the docks.
The view of the beach after you land at the Chokoloskee check point.
25° 49.08' N
081° 21.57' W
Note that the grass just above the beach will be filled with cars and boat trailers
during the race. This picture was taken in the off season. On the left side of the
beach where the mangroves stop is a little deeper water. It might make your path
through the mud a bit shorter.
Note the mud trail if you land at low tide and have to pull your boat across the
If you land on the left side of the beach next to the mangroves you may have less
mud to deal with
Chokoloskee Mall. Does this give you an idea about the amount of food and other
services available? Less than 1 mile from the checkpoint.
The resort has a small convenience store but if they don't have what you need the
store shown above is just a bit bigger. Don't expect too much. A larger store is
about 3 miles away.
Some different views of the lockbox location. The picnic table is on the dock/ parking
lot. All the hoses are city water but you may want to filter just for taste.
The restrooms are in the breeze way by the ice machine. Be sure you have rinsed
off any mud before you go in. Keep the restroom clean so we can use this checkpoint
again next year.
Please buy as much as you can from their convenience store. This resort has been
very helpful and they are doing it free of charge.
The Outdoors Resort at Chokoloskee offers a small convenience store, water, showers,
laundry, and an enthusiastic manager, Kenny Brown. The people of Chokoloskee were
very friendly and curious about our race. They like kayakers here.
There is no tent camping so if you want to spend the night, you will have to reserve
a room. Call 1-941-695-2881 ASAP if you will want to stay here for a night when
you check in. This is a very popular area during March. This is a very nice resort
and I was amazed at how clean their rest room was when I visited.
Note that tent camping in this area has been driven out by RVs. Most snowbirds come
down for several months in the winter and there just isn't room for tents. However,
Pavilion Key and other NP camp sites are fairly close. If you absolutely MUST tent
camp at this checkpoint, your best bet MIGHT be to find a secluded spot along the
causeway and practice a little stealth camping. I have slung my hammock next to
their canoe landing.
CP3 - Flamingo, Everglades National Park, Florida
Roughly 60 miles along the coast from Indian Key Pass you will come to Cape Sable.
A few miles around the point and you will find Flamingo. This is the Southern campground
in the Everglades Park. You're almost home free at this point. The nightmare of
Everglades City is behind you and you can almost hear me partying in Key Largo.
Physical Check In Station
The Orange Lock Box containing your check in logs will be on the bench at the saltwater
boat launch. Lock Combination is as follows: 3 - 1 - 4 Line up all the numbers on the black line.
The same combination is used for all check points. IMPORTANT -- After you log in, you
must lock the box. Be sure to hold the clasp into the lock and the SPIN the dial. If you do not
spin the dial while holding in the clasp, the lock will be open. Check it before you leave.
Tide Is Still a Factor
Tide is always a factor in a small boat. The tide can be even more difficult here
because there are so many factors that enter into it. Fresh water flow from the
glades, Atlantic flow, Gulf flow, wind, pressure, channels. The area is very shallow.
You really must get chart 33E.
Big Boats Are Everywhere
Even bigger boats are cruising these waters so watch out. Some of them run at night
with no lights. If you must travel at night, keep lots of lights going on your boat
and keep a strong spot light handy.
If You Drop Out
Since Flamingo is more off the beaten path from the other checkpoints, it is advised
to have had a discussion with your shore contact about what the plan will be to
pick you up if you need to drop out there. Also, please keep checkpoint captain
volunteers updated so they know you are safe and can note the website that you have
left the Challenge.
Amenities at Flamingo
- A well stocked convenience store is open daily from 7:00am-7:00pm
- Showers are available during store hours for $3. Payment is made in the store.
- A food truck will be available in March. Hours are 11am-4pm
- Challengers may lie down next to their boats in the grassy areas only. No tents, bivy sacks or hammocks may be deployed.
- 24 hour restrooms are available at the NPS visitor center, the fish cleaning station next to the backcountry boat ramps, and the campground bathhouses. The restrooms at the store are open from 7AM – 7PM
- Mooring a boat for longer than four hours will require payment of an overnight fee of $2 per foot.
Access for Family and Friends
Flamingo is located on the southern tip of the Florida mainland with highway and good road access.
The entry fee is $30 per vehicle. Eco-tents as well as tent and RV camp sites are available
by reservation. Please use the following link for availability and pricing:
Flamingo Adventures
There is a great 90 minute boat tour up Buttonwood Canal through Coot Bay and Tarpon Creek into Whitewater Bay
narrated by experienced naturalist. Great hiking options in the area as well.
Finish - The Pelican Cottages, Key Largo, Florida
We will be ending the race at the Pelican Cottages in Key Largo. You may reserve a
room by calling 305-451-1686. Do your family a favor and have them wait for you
in Key Largo! Here is a link to some pictures:
The Pelican Cottages
The award ceremony will be on Saturday about 10:30 AM. The Award Dinner will begin
right after awards are handed out. This will be roughly noon give or take a half
Activities in Key Largo include snorkeling, SCUBA diving, glass bottom boats, flats
fishing, deep sea fishing, beaches, shopping, and more. There is plenty for your
family to do while waiting for your arrival so book your room for the whole week
in advance -- your family will thank you for it and you will be able to do this
year after year.
Lat/Lon of The Pelican Cottages Landing Beach and Dock
025° 05.585 N
080° 26.671 W
Rooms are limited so reserve early. It's the place to be.
ALL Events - Must Read, Understand, and Agree:
Special Launch Rules
Boat Classes
Reefing Rules
Required Equipment
SPOT Setup and Usage
inReach Setup
WaterTribe Entrance Requirements
WaterTribe Skill Assessments
How to Setup A Lifejacket
Packing Lite
Packing for Seaworthiness