Recently a Challenger asked if he could use a hand pulled dolly to pull his boat and trailer from the parking lot to the beach. Keep in mind this is a regular trailer used on the road. It will double (give or take) the weight of the boat being pulled to the beach, and it has regular road tires.
What he wants to do is not against the new rules regarding access to the beach. But will it work? In my opinion it might work for the first section of the trip. But when they get to the sand, it's going to be a lot tougher. Also, there is a "berm" that I have warned everyone about in a previous post. Since then, the berm has worn down somewhat, but it is still an issue. Bottom line, you are not going to be happy. I hope I am wrong, but think about it.
A better option is to join AndyMan's solution. I strongly suggest this option, but it is your decision.
Use of Regular Boat Trailer - Access to Beach
Moderator: Paddledancer