Fort De Soto After Our Cleanup

Evergaldes Challenge, Ultra Marathon, Ultimate Florida, and Boot Camps

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Fort De Soto After Our Cleanup

Post by Chief »

Many thanks to the WaterTribers who came out yesterday to help cleanup Fort Desoto. It was very hard work, but we got it done! At least for the section of East Beach assigned to us. We dug up lots of timber, fully buried benches and lounge chairs, roof tops, sections of decks, sections of docks, lots of junk, and even a bike with a child seat on it. The is still a lot more to do so we will be volunteering again.

Most of the docks at the boat ramp need to be replaced. I only saw a couple that were still there. But they had the replacement docks staged in the parking lot and lots of workers were present.

Will the park be open for EC2025? Yes, I am pretty sure it will be fine by then. Will it be open for the first and second BootCamps? Not sure, but I think so. They accepted my payment for Shelter 14 which is a good sign. My best guess is they will open by December and maybe a bit sooner.
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