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WaterTribeTM Skills Assessment

Your safety is up to you. You will do your own skill assessment.

Overview Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6


WaterTribe events are difficult and dangerous. Anyone entering these events must be an expert in his or her chosen small craft. We require that you certify your experience at the expert level when you register for any WaterTribe event. However, we have found that sometimes self certified experts do not have some of the skills that would normally be assumed for experts.

Often we find boats that are loaded beyond their design limits. Or sometimes boats are loaded within the design limits, but they are not loaded properly.

We have also discovered very experienced people who have not practiced the required skills recently or who have equipment that has not been used for a long time. When was the last time you practiced a capsize and recovery or put your bilge pump to a test?

Another problem that is rampant in the kayaking world is to learn rolling, self rescue, and assisted rescues in kayaks that are not fully loaded. If you are certified in these skills in an unloaded boat, you may be very surprised when you try to use those skills in a fully loaded boat.

Just like kayakers, sailors have their own problems that are rampant in their community. Many sailors have never taken a sailing class. Most that have taken a class are in classes that focus on sailing faster, pointing higher, reading the wind and tide, and other skills not focused on survival. Most of these classes don't deal with self rescue, assisted rescues or hypothermia. If you had a class that did cover these skills, great! But you still need to practice them regularly.

By learning and practicing these skills and others appropriate for your boat,you will be more likely to survive a WaterTribe Challenge.

It is up to each WaterTriber to know the skills listed for your boat class and to practice all those skills prior to showing up at any WaterTribe event. You must certify that you have done so in the WaterTribe Entrance Requirement Document during registration at the event.

WaterTribe will not be conducting Skill Assessments. That is up to you.

ALL Events - Must Read, Understand, and Agree:
Special Launch Rules
Boat Classes
Reefing Rules
Required Equipment
SPOT Setup and Usage
inReach Setup
WaterTribe Entrance Requirements
WaterTribe Skill Assessments
How to Setup A Lifejacket
Packing Lite
Packing for Seaworthiness